Bringing together stakeholders for sustainable North Sea fisheries for 20 years!

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As one of 11 European sea-basin Advisory Councils, the NSAC works towards integrated and sustainable management of North Sea fisheries through engaging with a wide range of stakeholders to produce targeted advice on a range of topics. Our advice is developed through discussion and iterative working, and placed in the wider context of marine environmental sustainability from a North Sea region perspective. Our advice feeds into the European Commission and Member States, providing stakeholder-led views on the management of North Sea fish stocks

Through preparing and providing advice on the management of North Sea fisheries, we promote the objectives of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP), and ensure stakeholders’ voices are heard in how policies are implemented and assessed. All our work centres around the attainment of sustainable fisheries, incorporating an ecosystem-based approach, and utilising the precautionary principle for management.

See what we are up to in 2023 – 2024:

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Find consensus

We work collaboratively with broad stakeholder groups to - wherever possible - develop clear, consensus advice on key fisheries issues.

Provide advice

We take a regional approach to assess policies and regulations, providing stakeholder-led views to aid their implementation and refinement.

Support projects

We contribute to research projects that investigate issues pertinent to the sustainable environmental, social and economic management of the North Sea.


The NSAC supports the European Commission and Member States in providing advice on issues relevant to the North Sea. We therefore take a regional approach to our work by providing advice on matters pertaining to specific stocks, habitats, fishing interests and other environmental issues related to fisheries in the North Sea region.

European Commission
Member States
Executive Committee
Demersal Working Group
Ecosystem Working Group
Skagerrak and Kattegat Working Group
Focus Groups
Focus Groups
Focus Groups


Kenn Skau Fischer

Kenn Skau Fischer

Executive Committee Chair

Peter Breckling

Peter Breckling

Executive Committee Vice-Chair, Industry Representative

Guus Pastoor

Guus Pastoor

General Assembly Chair

Meet the rest of the NSAC team


The NSAC is a membership organisation that enables stakeholder involvement in fisheries management at a regional level.

In line with the Common Fisheries Policy, the NSAC’s membership comprises 60% fishing industry representatives, including representatives from the supply chain, such as processing interests, and 40% ‘other interest groups’ or OIGs. OIGs are a range of environmental and other organisations, such as labour unions, with interest in the sustainable management of fisheries. 

Non-members may attend meetings as ‘observers’, and the NSAC regularly invites scientists, officials and others as guests to observe meetings or present on their work. 

View our members

Contact Us

The NSAC prepares and provides advice on the management of fisheries in the North Sea on behalf of its members; fisheries organisations and other stakeholders including environmental organisations. If you are interested in joining the NSAC, or finding out more about our work, get in touch.

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