The NSAC is funded by annual fees from its members, a contribution from the relevant Member States and a lump sum contribution of €283.687 from the European Commission. The European Commission’s contribution is determined every four years, based on historic spending. The membership fee is €500 for members of the General Assembly, €1000 for members of the Executive Committee and €2500 for Member States. View our 2023-24 budget here: NSAC_2023-24__lump sum_budget_approved
NSAC members can claim travel and subsistence associated with NSAC meetings by downloading the NSAC Travel and Subsistence Claim and returning it to the NSAC Secretariat at View our policy here: Travel & Subsistence Policy
Our privacy policy details how the NSAC will collect, use and share the personal data you supply. View our privacy policy here: NSAC Privacy Policy 2021
The NSAC operates within a set of procedures and policies agreed by its membership – the NSAC Rules of Procedure. Our Rules of Procedure outline the aims and purpose of the NSAC. A general Rules of Procedure document is accessible below. Rules on specific procedures are available on request. View our rules of procedure here: NSAC-Rules-of-Procedure-2020
The NSAC operates within a set of rules governing the conduct of its members and observers. The code of conduct outlines the expected attitude when joining the NSAC and when participating in our meetings. The NSAC Code of conduct can be found here: NSAC Code of Conduct_draft_APPROVED_Nov_2023
The NSAC is registered in The Netherlands. A summary of our legal statutes is provided below and a full version is available on request. View our legal statutes here: NSAC NL Statutes 2019_sum