The North Sea Advisory Council are stakeholders in a number of scientific projects including DiscardLess and MareFrame. The NSAC is keen to collaborate with scientists to improve understanding around social, environmental and economic issues concerning North Sea fisheries, and to facilitate communication between the fishing industry and the scientific community.

If you are seeking project partners, please contact the NSAC Secretariat to discuss your project and how it might align with our work plan.

MAC/AAC/NSAC EP Dinner Event – 27 January 2025, Brussels

On the 27th of January 2025, the MAC, the AAC, and the NSAC will be organizing an event in the premises of the European Parliament to raise awareness among PECH Committee members on the role of the Advisory Councils under the Common Fisheries...

Collection of studies on Offshore Wind Farms

As Offshore Renewable Energy continues to expand in the North Sea, understanding its environmental and ecosystem impacts is essential to mitigate potential negative effects. Below, we list several studies conducted in the North Sea and beyond that explore these impacts: The...

NSAC 20th Anniversary celebration – dinner event at the Edinburgh Castle – 12 September 2024

On the evening of September 12th, NSAC will celebrate its 20th Anniversary at Edinburgh Castle, the site where the organization was founded in 2004. The event will feature moments of celebration and commemoration, highlighting 20 years of achievements of the Advisory...

NSAC Conference on the future of CFP – 12 September, Edinburgh

NSAC Conference on the Future of the CFP“QUO VADIS, CFP? A North Sea perspective on the future of Common Fisheries Policy” 12 September 2024, 13.00-17.00 CET Apex Hotel, Edinburg, United Kingdom On the 12th of September, NSAC is organizing a conference...

European Offshore Spaceport – Test launches in the North Sea

GOSA (German Offshore Space Alliance), was planning rocket launches from a floating platform in the North Sea in the summer of 2024 but had to postpone the project. Currently, no launch activities are foreseen.  Here you will find all the pertinent...

EMD workshop: EU Advisory Councils: Stakeholder engagement in policymaking for healthy and productive fisheries and aquatic ecosystems – 30 May 2024, Svendborg

This year’s European Maritime Days will feature Advisory Councils’ workshop titled ‘EU Advisory Councils: Stakeholder engagement in policymaking for healthy and productive fisheries and aquatic ecosystems’. This is a significant signal from the EU Commission not only in terms of visibility...

NSAC/EAPO Symposium on Innovative Fishing – 7 March 2024, Brussels

On 7 March 2024, the NSAC together with the European Association of Producer Organisations (EAPO) organised a symposium on innovative fishing in the EU, addressing the regulatory, technical and scientific barriers to innovation. NSAC/EAPO Symposium on Innovative Fishing“Precision-fishing: reimagining bottom-trawling through...

EFCA/NSAC Workshop on the control of the Landing Obligation

The joint workshop of the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) and the NSAC discussed control and evaluation of the landing obligation in the North Sea region. Time: 17 January, 9.00 CET Location: Copenhagen

Joint NWWAC/NSAC/MAC Workshop on Brown Crab

On May 16 2023 the North Western Waters AC, the North Sea AC & the Market AC jointly organised a hybrdid (in Paris and online) workshop on Brown Crab management. The workshop was joined by representatives from the EU Commission, from...

NSAC Workshop on Marine Spatial Planning and Stakeholder Engagement – 3 May 2023, Brussels

As stakes and claims of different marine actors in the North Sea increase, the fisheries sector finds itself in the so-called spatial squeeze. In its quest to reconcile food and energy security and ecosystem conservation, EU MSP aims to ensure all...

NWWAC/NSAC Workshop on Skates and Rays management

The North Western Waters AC and the North Sea AC jointly organised an in-person workshop on the management of skates & rays on 9 February at the Albert Borschette Congres Centre in Brussels. Registration: Programme: NWWAC/NSAC Workshop Skates and Rays management...

NSAC Landing Obligation Workshop – 17-18 January 2023, Brussels

NSAC Workshop on the functioning of the Landing Obligation took place on 17-18 January 2023 in Brussels (NH Berlaymont hotel). The workshop featured a variety of stakeholders within and external to the NSAC (fisheries stakeholders, Member States, managers, technology experts etc.)...

NSAC Webinar North Sea Fisheries and Climate Change

NSAC Webinar on North Sea Fisheries and Climate Change , took place on Wednesday, 7 December 2022, 10.00-12.30 CET, online. This webinar was organised under the auspices of NSAC Climate change Focus Group and aimed to explore climate-ocean nexus implications for...

Blue Bio Cofund Foresight Workshop

BlueBio Cofund Foresight Workshop is aimed at determining future scenarios and establishing a coordinated R&D funding scheme strengthening Europe’s position in the blue bioeconomy. The first co-funded call was launched 17 December 2018. The COFUND partners have committed EUR 23,5 million,...

SEAwise: Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management

NEW WORKSHOP DATE: 7th March 2022 10.00 to 12.00 CET. The aim of the workshop is to get your input on what kind of advice you think would be key to a (more) ecosystem based approach to North Sea fisheries management...

Contact Us

The NSAC prepares and provides advice on the management of fisheries in the North Sea on behalf of its members; fisheries organisations and other stakeholders including environmental organisations. If you are interested in joining the NSAC, or finding out more about our work, get in touch.

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