On 7 March 2024, the NSAC together with the European Association of Producer Organisations (EAPO) organised a symposium on innovative fishing in the EU, addressing the regulatory, technical and scientific barriers to innovation.
NSAC/EAPO Symposium on Innovative Fishing “Precision-fishing: reimagining bottom-trawling through innovation”
Thursday, 7 March 2024; 10.00 -16.30 CET*
Sofitel, meeting room Henri Spaak I, II, III, 1 Place Jourdan, 1040 Brussels, Belgium
Terms of Reference: NSAC_EAPO Terms of Reference_Innovative Fishing_FINAL
Program: Program_NSAC_EAPO Symposium on Innovative Fishing_7 March_FINAL
Guiding questions: NSAC_EAPO_Innovative Fishing_Guiding Questions_final
Registration form: https://forms.gle/s6wvbnmfErshbrHR8 (sold out)
1_Nathalie Steins_Lessons learned from pulse fishing ban_WUR
2_Antonello Sala_ICES Advice on Innovative Gear_ICES
3_Ludvig Ahm Krag_Real-time catch monitoring_DTU Aqua
4_Bard Wathne Tveiten_Gentle and innovative trawl gear_SINTEF
5_Elsa Cuende_Decision support tool for optimizing catches_AZTI
6_Juan Santos_KingGrid_Rethinking sorting grids_Thunen Institute
7_Pieke Molenaar_Modular Harvest System_WUR
8_Tom_Rossiter_Precision Fishing_SafetyNet
9_Lois Flounders_Innovative modified nets in Nephrops fishery_MarFishEco
10_Hans Polet_Precision-fishing and real-time management_ILVO
Final report: